
I'm Mave this is my cave, neat garbage and stuff I made. Learning to code, mind the bugs. I come back often to feed them.

Rock - Paper - Scissors


What the fuck is that?

NEW CLICKER I needed a hand, so now I got one 8.18.2024
FRESH ENTRAILS added some doodles from my sketchbook 8.11.2024
you not rrrh rot dot n dot n dot per rot dot n not n dot per n dot chi cot n dot rrr ah dot dot ki o ma gri a dot dot ers a pa ta ko some play to we a dot think up a bite rah sometimes you might ooh ooh rrrh we thought we might dot be mer hot something what are you ma ah do bro what are mines is dot ooh ooh rot in dot n bite ooh na na er na he woo hoo rah ate no hoo dot er ha ya dot im wer rah
howdy friendos,


Comic Mini Reveiw

My Friend Dahmer (2012)

John "Derf" Backderf
Derf was highschool friends with Jeffrey Dahmer back in the 70s, the book is about Jeffery's life in the small town of Bath Ohio. It starts in junior high and ends at the first killing.
This is unique. It is a short comic, but it is like a time capsule. Derf's underground style fits perfectly, and he had been drawing Jeffery since high school so it seems like this came together like the perfect storm. Derf is able to make Jeffery out as a sinister character but doesn't completely dehumanize him like media sources often do with people who do horrible things. After this context going back and rewatching NBC interviews was interesting.


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After being up for about a month this site is looking a little less broke B) still allot to work on though. Soon I hope to add an art section for my larger scribbles, I'm still thinking of spaces to cram more doodles in the main page. I'll be adding graphics to the rock paper scissors game soon, I am just undecided on the theme rn, I'll probably just keep it something simple. I want to add more interactive things to the page, if im feeling real big brain maybe try to make some games. Idk, I'm just having fun and hopefully I'll keep fiddling with this. I like having a place to collect things that is out of the social cesspool.


Movie Mini Reveiw

    Harakiri (1962)

    Masaki Kobayashi
    When a ronin requesting seppuku at a feudal lord's palace is told of the brutal suicide of another ronin who previously visited, he reveals how their pasts are intertwined - and in doing so challenges the clan's integrity.
    Very good period drama, the cinematography is clean and the action scenes are a treat. Even though allot of the drama is carried by diolouge it dosn't drag. The sets and costume design are also well done.



First time, pretty fun. I have been putting it off for too long.. Did not save the texture right so im redoing it rn, took some stills before it crashed. Darn my bug brain. Bigger images on NewGrounds B)


Welcome to my smelly crypt, I'm freshly undead so please forgive the bugs. I gotta go get some milk but I'll be back with some goodies and snacks so wait here.

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STINKGUTS created 8/1/24 last updated 9/1/24